Sat Jan 3, 2015 1:30PM
Or is he Benjamin Netanyahu, the prime minister of an entity called Israel?
The word ‘entity’ is important because Israel is not a state with fixed borders. It is not even a state with similar people in nearby territory with whom it (and they) wish to unite. Rather, it is a nasty, paranoid, whining, self-righteous, racist, attack dog eternally intent on expanding its rule genocidally into the lands of others.
Would you therefore believe that Netanyahu is now describing Palestine as “an entity liked to a terrorist organization?” Yes, you would believe it because Palestine immediately stands in the way of Israeli expansion into the lands of others.
This complete perversion of language is familiar to those who understand that what the Nazis did to the Jews has now become what the Israeli Jews do to anybody who stands in their way. In 1943, the Nazi armies surrounded the Warsaw ghetto and, saying they were killing rats, proceeded to flood the sewers (in which the Jewish defenders were hiding) and use poison gas.
And what were these modern Nazis – the Israelis – doing to the ‘rats’ of Gaza last summer?
They were spraying white phosphorus from the air (when it touches you, it goes on burning and cannot be stopped); using poison gas; firing shells with depleted uranium, and dropping that Israeli specialty (although they have a lot of these types of specialties) the DIME bombs, which cut off the legs of people. And when the brave people of Gaza and the brave people of Palestine resist the Israeli onslaught, big boy Netanyahu calls them terrorists instead of national defenders, which is their true description.
Yes, Israel is a disgrace in the world and the only country which is now more disgraced is the USA. This is because it is the USA that finances and arms Israel and provides the key political support in the United Nations Security Council with the consequence that the Israeli aggressor can continue its aggression.
Furthermore, in order to further its infamous aims, this smelly gang of racists is associated, in every conceivable way, with terrorist organizations. The main terrorist organization, of course, is itself, but the Israel self has component parts, which include (with the exception of the CIA of the USA) the dirtiest of tricks department in the world. It’s called Mossad. Then there’s the Israeli army and air force, which have none of the honor that comes from defending against aggressors. Rather, they themselves are the aggressors and get their fun from attacking civilians and laughing at the antics of the Israeli navy, which likes to shoot little boys playing football on the beach.
To all this, of course, can be added Israeli support for the head-choppers and throat-slitters of the ISIL ‒ ISIL likes cutting off heads and Israel cuts likes cutting off legs.
But, what prompted the big boy to say that Palestine is an entity linked to a terrorist organization?
The answer is fear. The big boy is becoming white-faced because the Palestinians have handed over requests for membership of twenty international treaties. These include applications to join the Rome Statute and the International Criminal Court. Yes, it is the ICC that might, as a little example, take a dim view of those who deliberately bomb women and children. Indeed, the Court might wish to take into account the whole of the Israeli attack on Gaza last summer, when 2,100 people were killed and 10,000 people wounded (many of whom were sliced in half by those DIME bombs).
To the Palestine application to join international treaties, we can expect, as usual, a vicious response from the Israelis. But the movement to boycott and sanction this smelly toe-rag entity is getting bigger by the day. Let it also be said that Israel’s chief supporter (the USA) is now despised by all decent people throughout the world, particularly because it upholds Israel’s war crimes.
The word is now abroad – let’s boycott Israel AND the USA because the USA, in the last throes of hubris, thinks it is isolated from the big changes now going on in the world. In fact, the USA thinks it - and only it - makes the changes although it is undoubtedly expert at making negative changes. Well, the USA is going to wake up one day and find that the world has turned not only against the smelly toe-rag but also against its main supporter as well.
So what is Netanyahu? A downright liar? A disgusting dreg of humanity? A nasty piece of work? Or only a toe-rag?
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