Thursday, January 15, 2015

Media complicit and indispensable to “false flag” success

Boston bombing, Charlie Hebdo and Sandy Hook would never have stood a chance against a vigilant press but for abdicating its responsibility to the public. William Shanley's suit against the media over Sandy Hook may be the most important ever lodged--and might be the reason he is now missing

featured image (Spielberg)
While it wasn’t announced as “A Stephen Spielberg Production”, the Boston bombing appears to have been one. Nathan Folks, the Hollywood producer and director who identified Carlos Arredondo, who has been celebrated as a national hero, as an actor he had cast in one of his own films and that the event was staged as an example of “hyper-realistic filming”, in which a scene is created to resemble as closely as possible a actual event, such as a bombing, in order to give inexperienced soldiers, for example, a sense of what they may encounter in combat, has told me that it is common knowledge in Hollywood that Steven Spielberg was involved.

The Charlie Hebdo case was exposed almost immediately by discerning eyes, such as those of Gordon Duff, Senior Editor of Veterans Today, who observed that the shooting of a police officer with an AK-47 did not withstand critical scrutiny, since his brains were not blown out of his head and there was no blood on the sidewalk, which would have been impossible had this been a real event. And it turns out that the scene was framed so cleanly because there was an “+” marked on the roadway where the right wheel of the car had to stop for filming.
Proof of Paris fakery
These events are now inextricably intertwined, because the defense attorney for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev requested a postponement in the trial because of the public hysteria created by these events in Paris, as the AP has reported in The Washington Post (14 January 2015). The trail judge immediately dismissed the request, but the defense could prevail by demonstrating that the bombing was a staged event, where the media has concealed the truth from the public. That would be far more effective any mere postponement:

Judge denies request to delay Boston Marathon bombing trial due to Paris attacks

January 14 at 10:55 AM

The judge overseeing the Boston Marathon bombing trial on Wednesday denied a request from the alleged bomber’s attorneys to delay the trial due to the recent attacks in France.
Lawyers for Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev had asked the judge to delay jury selection due to the violence in France, which has dominated the news over the last week and drawn comparisons to what unfolded in Boston two years ago. The shooting massacre at the office of Charlie Hebdo, a satirical newspaper in Paris, was followed by a massive manhunt for two brothers who authorities said had become radicalized; days of bloodshed and panic culminated in a shootout with police.

News reports and commentators have repeatedly pointed to how this mirrored much of what happened when the Boston Marathon was bombed, an attack that killed three people and injured more than 260 others in April 2013. Within days, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and his older brother, Tamerlan, were the subjects of a manhunt that reverberated across a major metropolitan area; the brothers, who law enforcement officials said had become radicalized, engaged in a shootout with police before Tamerlan Tsarnaev was killed and his younger brother eventually taken into custody.
What most importantly links Charlie Hebdo and the Boston bombing is that they were both “false flag” attacks in which those who were alleged to be responsible were “patsies” on a par with Lee Oswald in the death of JFK and with Sirhan Sirhan in the assassination of Bobby. Because the complicity of the media was indispensable to the success of these events by inducing the public to believe them, the law suit that has been filed by William Shanley against the media for deceiving the people about Sandy Hook may be the most important ever filed, even though the expectations for its success are not great. And this might explain why Shanley has recently disappeared and may not surface again.

The Boston bombing hoax

That Steven Spielberg was producing “The Boston Bombing” may be unknown to the public, but Nathan Folks has informed me that it is well-known in Hollywood. He also expressed his dismay that someone of the prominence of Spielberg would be willing to perpetrate such a monstrous fraud on the American people. He was interviewed about the staging of the event by Voice of Russia. In a discussion of his interview (with images embedded), Nathan explained that they even used “green screen” technology to combine foregrounds with background imported on film:
As Folks was watching the “hyper reality scene” unfold in the streets of Boston, he was thinking “they were able to get away with this!” As he watched the “supposedly live television broadcasting,” he knew it wasn’t live at all, but edited, because:
  • In live footage, “you don’t cut from one scene to another.”
  • The supposedly live TV footage was using an older technology that’s “grainy” instead of the HD (high definition) available in 2013.
Asked about Jeff Bauman, who supposedly had both of his legs blown off at the marathon:
1. Folks (and others) observed that the pic below is staged. Notice the red paint: Blood is never such a bright red. Bauman is the man with a stick attached to one of his amputated legs. No blood in area where his leg was apparently severed and what is supposed to be a bone is much too thin and straight to be a lower leg bone. The expression on his face is entirely inconsistent with someone who just had both of his legs blown off.
2. Paramedics and doctors know that someone who’s lost both of his legs must not be moved, and “certainly” not be put in a wheelchair and carted down the road. But that’s exactly what they did to Bauman.
3. Someone who lost both legs would spend at least a year recuperating. Instead,Bauman was at a Bruins hockey game on May 4, 2013, …. which was exactly 19 days after he had both legs blown off. That’s some miraculous recovery!

The media perpetrated the fraud

Astounding as it may seem, we have abundant additional proof that the Boston bombing was staged, some of the most important of which comes directly from the media.  As I explained in “Rejoice for Christmas: No one died at Sandy Hook or at the Boston bombing”, we have video of the police calling out with bullhorns, “This is a drill! This is a drill!”:

In case there is any doubt whether the authorities were aware that what was taking place was a drill, here we have the authorities announcing, “This is a drill! This is a drill!” Similarly, in case there is any doubt that the media were aware that this was not a real event, here we have tweets from The Boston Globe about what will happen, where it will happen and when it will happen (where The Boston Globe is among our nation’s best known newspapers):
And there are now many YouTube videos, such as “Boston Bombing Bamboozle”, which illustrate the fakery that was taking place, including that the blood only shows up on a delayed basis and, when it appears, it is not real blood (which turns dark brown when it oxidizes with the atmosphere) but fake blood (which comes from tubes that are still in the debris when is over and remain bright reddish-orange for theatric effect):

There are many other discussions of the evidence and studies of the images, which make the case for staging beyond reasonable doubt. But what should be most troubling to the American people is that the authorities know that it was staged: The police announcing “This is a drill! This is a drill!” knew that it was a drill at the time. The Boston Globe tweeting about bomb squad activities knew it was a drill at the time. So they know it was staged but allow the public to continue to believe that it was real!

The Sandy Hook Hoax

There can be no doubt that the Sandy Hook event, like the Boston bombing and the Charlie Hebdo events, was staged and that no one died at Sandy Hook. The school had been abandoned by 2008; no evacuation took place because there were no children to evacuate; the “iconic” Shannon Hicks photo was taken in advance to convince a gullible public; the “official report” does not create a causal nexus that encompasses the alleged shooter, Adam Lanza, his purported victims and the weapons he is supposed to have used.
If we ask whether the media should have known that this was not a real event, here is some of the first aerial footage of the scene. Notice the absence of ambulances. No EMTs were allowed to enter.  Notice the few emergency vehicles present do not even have their lights flashing. Notice there is a decided lack of urgency about the entire scene. A few FEMA tarps are present, but no victims are on them. The parent were not allowed to see their children’s bodies, which were left in the classrooms and removed at night:

It would take a while for more subtle signs of fakery would be detected: that parking for the disabled is not marked in blue-and-white, nor are any signs for them present; that the cars in the rows near the building are all pointed toward the school, when the first row ought to be facing away in accord with parking instructions; that the road from the school was so blocked with vehicles, including police cruisers, that no ambulance could have made it through had any been called. Other signs of fakery would be more readily detected, such as the portable sign:
Wolfgang Halbig, the former Florida State Trooper, school administrator and national school safety expert, has been dumbfounded that he has been unable to learn when that sign was placed there or when the Porta-Potties were ordered and by whom. But that has now been explained by the discovery of the FEMA manual for this specific event, where a rehearsal was to be held on Thursday, 13 January 2012, with the event only going “LIVE” on the 14th. Information about the sign and Porta-Potties would have blown their cover by revealing they were there a day early:
Everyone mus sign in
Notice the last sentence of the first paragraph for the rehearsal to be conducted on 12/13/12 beginning at 8:00 AM: “Everyone must sign in with controller upon arrival.” So a sign that made no sense for a mass school shooting now becomes obvious as a condition for the rehearsal the day before! And the presence of parents bringing children to the scene, which makes no sense if it was the scene of a school massacre, also becomes intelligible–where the manual will be important evidence should the lawsuit make it to trial.

The William Shanley Lawsuit

One of the best blogs about Sandy Hook has featured articles about William Shanley’s lawsuit, where the first appeared on James Tracy’s on 26 December 2014, four days before our last communication on the 30th. Everyone agrees that this was a sensational move to make because, even if it fails in Court, it has drawn enormous attention to the question of the reality of the presumptive child massacre. I am aware of at least one newspaper that has taken up the issue because of his filing. He had made repeated visits to the Hartford Courant and told me he was sure that the reporters knew the score but weren’t allowed to pursue it.
Filmmaker sues Big Media 1
Filmmaker sues Big Media 3
The Judge who will preside wisely placed William Shanley under protection. From conversations we had subsequently, he told me that the police had been dropping by his residence several times a day. We were in regular contact up until 30 December 2014, where I am now profoundly concerned that I have had no contact or communication with him since–neither by phone nor by email nor by Skype. That is highly unusual: we typically corresponded several times a week and had recently been interviewed about it. I am concerned that something may have happened to William to guarantee he never gets to Court:
$Trillion lawsuit plaintiff now missing
He would not be the first. Tony Mead, “Sandy Hook’s Disappearing Witnesses”, has chronicled the loss, resignation or disappearance of around a dozen key players and investigators. William Podgorski, for example, Connecticut State Police Western District Commander, who also a Lead Investigator in the Sandy Hook: “[Officially] he died after a ‘brief, undisclosed illness’ followed by surgery on Monday, June 16 at Yale-New Haven Hospital at the age of 49. According to a friend of mine who had seen Bill Podgorski just a short time before his death, he appeared in perfect health. No further information has been released regarding this sudden death.” Those complicit in the hoax appear to extend from the Newtown School Board to Connecticut State Police to the Governor, the Attorney General and our own President.

We have a parallel here with French Police Inspector, Eldric Fredou, who “committed suicide” in his own office while working on the Charlie Hebdo investigation. Committing suicide seems to be popular among those in law enforcement who believe in getting things right, as was their reputation.

Those who are pulling the strings for these events have a lot at stake and are playing hardball. Even a friend of the Tsarnaev brothers, who was being questioned in his own residence in Florida, was shot dead by a member of the FBI team sent to interrogate him. And there can be no doubt that it was because he was not willing to “play ball” in framing his friends for a crime they obviously did not commit. How much truth are we going to get when the media and government officials are themselves complicit in the crime?

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