Saturday, January 17, 2015

Lasha Darkmoon - The Charlie Hebdo Affair: How to Demonize Islam and Destroy Christianity

Freedom to offend, we are told, is sacrosanct; freedom to kill the offender is not. Isn’t it a shame this belief is not shared by everyone?

The ultimate question here is Cui bono? Who gained most from the Paris massacre and who lost out? The answer to this all-important question will offer us a clue as to who was behind the killings.

Was Mossad behind it? Or Al Qaeda? Or the CIA? Or the Illuminati? And is it conceivable that all these disparate and seemingly separate organizations are in fact the same hydra-headed monster that dare not speak its name?

These are the questions we now propose to consider methodically. So let’s get down to business. What are the facts?

I read this article on Russia Today by Adrian Salbuchi which is among the most thought-provoking I have come across in a long time. Salbuchi begins by asking the most important question in regard to the Charlie Hebdo Paris attacks:  Cui bono? Who benefits?

Before we answer this question, let’s review the situation and then try to connect the dots…


We learn today the astonishing fact that 10,000 troops are to patrol the streets of France from now on, armed to the teeth and peeping into every corner for suspicious characters, doubtless of swarthy complexion and carrying Qur’ans in their back packs. Of these 10,000 commandos, no fewer than 5000 of them will guard the country’s 717 Jewish schools.

Apparently people in the Rue de Rosiers, Paris’s historic Jewish enclave, are getting increasingly jittery and apprehensive. They are afraid that ordinary French people might start complaining about the enormous sums of money being spent in protecting France’s Jewish community. France is a country with a population of 66 million. Of these, 5 million are of Muslim heritage, vastly outnumbering the number of French Jews who make up only half a million.

So there are exactly ten times more Muslims in France than there are Jews, a fact worth remembering.

Rebecca Bloch, a 42-year-old Jewish woman, and her 51-year-old husband Davide, are now thinking of moving to Israel, the UK Independent newspaper (“I”) reveals, adding:
“There has been an increase in the number of attacks on french Jews by Muslim extremists and also the extreme right in recent years. Seven thousand migrated to Israel last year, more than doubling from 3,400 in 2013. The Israeli government expected a rise to 10,000 this year. “We are in a situation of war,” said Roger Cukierman, president of the Representative Council of Jewish Associations. “We have our sadness and our rage.” (The Independent, “I”, 14 Jan, 2015)
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, arriving in Paris for Sunday’s solidarity rally with international leaders, advised French  Jews to head for Israel.
“To all the Jews of France I wish to say: the state of Israel is not only the place to which you pray; the state of Israel is also your home. Any Jew who wants to emigrate to Israel will be received with open arms.”
The Israeli President, Reuven Rivlin, had this to say:
“We wanted you alive. The heart is broken, shaking and hurting and an entire nation cries. It is dangerous to deny this is anti-Semitism…”
He was referring to the four French Jews killed in last week’s attack on a kosher supermarket in Paris: Yoav, Yohan, Phillipe and Francois. This is why Netanyahu is urging France’s 500,000 Jews to pack their bags and head for Israel without delay. Here, presumably,  they will be safely accommodated on illegally occupied land filched from the Palestinians: a neat solution to the problems facing French Jews in a country where they appear to be unpopular—give them nice houses with swimming pools on stolen Arab land.

Indeed, this is the bizarre solution to the Jewish problem currently favored by the entire western world, starting with America: any Jew who faces persecution anywhere in the world must be settled on stolen Arab land, thereby fueling resentment among the dispossessed. Which resentment in turn can only be expected to simmer and come to the boil,  leading to spontaneous excrescences like Al Qaeda and ISIS.

As for Al Qaeda and ISIS, assuming they are genuine Islamic organizations and not the brainchild of some madhatter in Mossad or the CIA, do they have any valid grounds for complaint?

Of course not. How can you ask such a silly question! Al Qaeda and ISIS couldn’t care less about the theft of their lands, the plunder of their natural resources, and the bombing of their women and children in Yemen, the Afpak borders, and elsewhere. They’re quite happy to be visited by the occasional drone. It relieves the monotony of their lives.

Let’s face it, these ragheads are just a nasty bunch of terrorists whose holy book, the Qur’an, has told them to conquer the world and impose sharia law on nice western folk like you and me.  They want to force all you guys out there to wear big bushy beards, helping to make Gillette go bankrupt! They want  to make our gorgeous western women cover up their asses and stop flashing their panties! They want to stop women inviting rape by being such ravishingly irresistible WHORE SLUTS!!!

Good heavens, if these creeps ever get control,  just think!—no more twerking! no more flaunting and taunting, no more Jewish porn, no more Hollywood thrillers telling us what a bunch of Islamofascist “inglourious basterds” these 1.6 billion spoilsport Muslims are!


Ooops, sorry, we’ve already bombed your countries to smithereens and turned them into parking lots! 
Too bad.
A couple of days ago, as I started out by saying,  I read Adrian Salbuchi’s brilliant essay in Russia Today, Charlie Hebdo, déjà vu. (Here is the English version).  The central question he asks is “Cui bono? who benefits?”

Let’s consider this all-important question now.

Salbuchi makes it clear from the outset that he does not believe in violence as a solution to the world’s problems. A commendable sentiment. I agree with him absolutely.
“It was indeed a horrendous act,” he states, referring to the recent carnage in Paris, “and the West’s Media have whipped up a growing frenzy of anti-Muslim emotion and a desire for revenge in the hearts of tens of millions in France, Europe and America.”
To show how serious they are in tackling terrorism, the world’s leaders turned up in Paris in full force last week (see picture), offering their condolences and exhibiting to the world their righteous indignation and unparalleled rectitude.

Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu was there up front, for all to see and admire,  making all the right noises and sounding like a model citizen—a paradigm of humanitarian pathos who had never killed a fly in his life, let alone thousands of innocent women and children in Gaza only six months ago.

He was flanked by France’s Francoise Hollande and Prime Minister Manuel Valls, by German’s charismatic Angela Merkel, by Britain’s David Cameron, and by Spain’s Mariano Rajoy. US Secretary of State John Kerry came trickling in too, stunning the Gallic multitudes with his linguistic skills by delivering his condolences in the French language.

I had to repress a laugh at his accent, but it was a damn good show, and I found myself searching for a kleenex tissue to wipe a crocodile tear from my eye. Je ne suis pas Charlie!

Salbuchi is not too impressed, either, by the pomp and circumstance—by all these theatrics attempting to squeeze a few tears out of  the eyes of the Je Suis Charley enthusiasts:
“Cry me a river,” he protests. “This is in very stark contrast with not a tear ever being shed for the thousands of men, women and children martyred decade after decade in Palestine up until last August; or the millions assassinated and maimed by the US and its NATO Allies in Iraq, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan and Pakistan.”
Today, the bad guys wear turbans and read books in Arabic. Equally bad are their direct or indirect backers and sympathizers: Russia, China, Venezuela, Malaysia, and  any country that refuses to kowtow to the United States, Israel, Britain and  the Nato bloc countries.

The nice guys run things from the Oval Office, Congress, the Knesset, 10 Downing Street, and the Palais de l’Élysée. They wage war on weaker countries and generate enormous profits for themselves by engineering social chaos in those countries by destroying their infrastructure and decimating their citizens with drone attacks, regime changes, freedom fighters, black ops, and “private contractors”—i.e., hired killers.
“They have not yet paid for their crimes,” Salbuchi notes somberly. “The Bushes, Cheneys, Wolfowitzs, Albrights, Clintons, Rices, Blairs, Aznars, Netanyahus and Sarkozys still walk the streets as free men and women.” 
Meanwhile, the common people in these western countries—most of them police states masquerading as democracies—are fed an incessant diet of lies, thanks to such organs of mendacity and misinformation as Fox News, the BBC, CNN, the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal. and the Economist. 

Nor one must forget the Hollywood entertainment factory with its constant erosion of traditional values, its black propaganda against Islam, Christianity, Whites: its sleaze, its porn, its godlessness, and its never-ending mind pollution of the masses.

Salbuchi asks if the recent events in Paris have the characteristics of a false flag attack. His answer: yes, they do. There’s more than a whiff of déjà vu here, Salbuchi opines.
“Conspiracy Theory kooks,” he notes sagaciously, “will tell you that False Flags have certain key factors in common: Like the FBI “luckily” finding 9/11 terrorist Mohammed Atta’s intact passport in the WTC rubble. Too bad the official story also says that “the heat was so intense it melted both jetliner’s black boxes”.
Any resemblance to Charlie Hebdo?  Well, one of the terrorist Kouachi bothers left home that day carrying his French ID Card which he conveniently “dropped” inside the attack car, that was then promptly found by French police.
Uncanny coincidence, no?

Then again, there was the mysterious death of Police Commissioner Helric Fredou of France’s Judicial Police (Limoges) who, while investigating the Paris attacks, suddenly decided to commit suicide. Did he end his life in despair, unable to stand the depths of human depravity to which Islamic terrorists are ready to go in order to achieve sharia law and world domination?

We will never know. It seems unlikely. Salbuchi has other ideas. Maybe the Police Commissioner was silenced? Maybe he knew too much?  Maybe he couldn’t be relied upon to keep his mouth shut, so he had to be squashed like a fly?

Salbuchi continues:
Anyway, here’s the thing: dead—or “suicided”—witnesses don’t talk.  Gunned down “terrorist” patsies neither.
Before the Kouachi brothers died “someone” standing on a terrace across the street from the Charlie Hebdo HQ filmed their get-away and recorded them yelling, “Tell the media Al Qaeda of Yemen did this!”
Adding drama to this dreadful affair, this terrace-walker also filmed one of the terrorists stupidly going out of his way to fire a shot to the head at a downed police office officer on the sidewalk.  Funny, though: NO POOL OF BLOOD, NO BRAINS SPLATTERED ON THE SIDEWALK! (Emphasis added)
MURDER MOST FOUL "Funny though: no pool of blood, no brains splattered on the sidewalk.
“Funny though: no pool of blood,
no brains splattered on the sidewalk.”
And now the big question: CUI BONO? — Who benefits?
“CLEARLY,” Salbuchi answers in block capitals, “the Muslim and Arab World did not benefit at all.  Quite the contrary: Muslims are the great losers because all those “Islamic terror attacks” led directly to the invasions of Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, the permanent bombing of Syria, and harassment and threats against Iran.”
Nor must it be forgotten that, along with the constant demonization of Islam, there is the ongoing and not-too-subtle attack on Christianity and traditional moral values.

Among the dead cartoonists there was one Jew. The rest were devout Zionists, anarcho-liberals, cultural Marxists of the (Jewish) Frankfurt School. All had axes to grind against the enemies of Israel. They exercised their free speech to the limit in vilifying Islam and Christianity, the two main objects of opprobrium among spiritually deracinated Jews. Never once did they criticize the state of Israel, or lampoon the Holocaust, or say a single bad thing about Israeli war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu.

If you have any doubts about the distinctly Jewish character of this scurrilous magazine, serving Jewish interests at all times, reflect that it actively encouraged filthy jokes about Christians and Muslims among its members of staff, but it would not tolerate even the slightest negative comment about Jews. (See Charlie Hedbo fired a writer for an “anti-Semitic” joke but rampant Islamophobia was ignored.)

As I pointed out in a recent article:
 “Mocking Christianity was part of their agenda, much to the delight of international Jewry, their principal paymasters, who offered them both moral and financial support in their “satirical” undertakings — “hate speech” when used against Jews. but “satire” and “courageous free speech” when directed at Muslims and Christians, the Jews’ most hated enemies.
The Jewish comedienne Sarah Silverman, the nice young lady who likes humping dogs and licking their anuses in various video skits—see here—and who gets many a cheap laugh by insulting Christianity in America, would have been a great hit with these satirical French journalists.
They would have loved her for saying, “I hope the Jews DID kill Christ! I’d fucking do it again—in a second!”
Note one thing, my friends: this freedom of speech, which is so very precious and of which we make such a fetish, does not include freedom to criticize Israel or question the Holocaust.
Make one satirical comment about Auschwitz, or express doubts about six million Jews dying in gas ovens, and you will end up behind bars in 16 countries:  Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Israel, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Switzerland, and Romania.
You may mock Jesus Christ as much as you want, but you must not mock Anne Frank.
Nor did these courageous French “martyrs for free speech” ever have the guts to criticize the war crimes of Israel. Oh no, they thought the Israelis were doing a fine job slaughtering  women and children in Gaza like flies—like this Palestinian child here, her face half blown off by an Israeli sniper.
These cowardly cartoonists  kept all their scorn for the prophet Mohammed and the Lord Jesus Christ, much to the delight of the Jews whose dirty work they did so well and whose contemptible mercenaries they remained to their last dying breath.
Yes, they had it coming! They were asking for it! For blowback. For their just deserts. For the iron law of karma to take effect. — “The wheel has come full circle, I am here!”
Salbuchi makes exactly the same points, so I won’t bother to quote him.

He too mentions that you are free to pour scorn on Christianity, to refer to Christ in the vilest terms, and to ridicule the prophet Mohamed to your heart’s content, but that you dare not question the Holocaust.

If you do, you will end up behind bars like David Irving, Robert Faurisson, Ernst Zundel, and many other historical revisionists—men who did not even employ mockery but who were engaging in serious historical research.

The cartoonists who were killed were essentially cowards. This is because they thought they could spit in people’s faces and get away with it. They learned to their cost that every action has its reaction. Am I justifying violence? No way. Obviously killing people for spitting in your face is wrong. A dreadful thing to do. I am simply stating a truism, as when one says: “You will reap what you sow.” — “The sins ye do by two and two, ye shall pay back one by one!”“Live by the sword, die by the sword!”

I am articulating the law of karma: play with fire and you will get burned.
Let’s consider the hilarious sense of humor of the cartoonists who recently got their comeuppance. They appointed the prophet Mohammed as their “editor-in-chief.” They depict him from behind, naked, his genitals in full view, a star stamped on his butt.  (Here is a carefully edited picture of the Prophet, with his genitalia concealed, which I hope will not be regarded as offensive.) They refer to the Qur’an as merde (shit). They mock the Virgin Mary giving birth to the Christ child.
Not satisfied with all this blasphemous scurrility, these senile delinquents then go on to show Jesus Christ sodomizing God the Father—who in turn is being sodomized by the Holy Ghost.

Jesus Christ sodomizing God the Father and being sodomized by the Holy Ghost
Laughing already? Falling out of your chair with merriment? Ah, now that’s what I call “good clean humor”, the type that would make Sarah Silverman green with envy: that she couldn’t do better with her “courageous” attempts to outrage the religious sensitivities of the world’s 2.2 billion Christians—almost one-third of the world’s population: “I HOPE THE JEWS DID KILL CHRIST! I’D FUCKING DO IT AGAIN—IN A SECOND!”
I am talking here about double standards. I repeat: double standards.
If it’s fine and dandy for the Jews and their Jewified gentile lackeys to pour mounds of excrement over the prophet Mohammed and the Lord Jesus Christ, how would the Jews like it if they were paid back in kind? How would they react to a cartoon by a Christian cartoonist showing Elie Wiesel sodomizing Anne Frank? Or childkiller Benjamin Netanyahu tearing off the limbs of little children in Gaza?
That wouldn’t be funny any longer, would it? The sky would cave in. Heads would roll. All hell would break loose. Mossad death squads would be stalking the land, slavering for gentile blood.
I exaggerate. Maybe. Let’s just say that what is sauce for the goose is not sauce for the gander. Here is the rule: “I may spit in your face, but if you spit back in mine—watch out!—you’re a dead man walking!”

It turns out, then, that when Charlie Hebdo’s editor-in-chief, Stephane Charbonnier, told Al Jazeera in a 2012 interview that free speech was sacred and couldn’t be bounded by what will and will not cause offense, he was being disingenuous. He was to add moralistically, “If we can poke fun at everything in France, if we can talk about anything in France apart from Islam, that is annoying.”

Très bien, cher Monsieur!—but isn’t it strange that you never had the courage to satirize the Jews or the Holocaust, or call attention to the heinous war crimes of Israel?

Sanctimonious hypocrite! forgive me if I don’t attend your funeral or shed tears at your graveside! I am sorry indeed that you had to die in such tragic circumstances. Whoever killed you did wrong. And he was himself killed in a shower of bullets by the valiant French security forces.

Pity these men had to die though, before being put on trial, so that it could be judiciously determined in a court of law that they actually had killed anyone. What if they were patsies? What if they were innocent?

Say it was Someone Else? . . . who is now walking free? . . . planning another false flag attack in another country?

We’ll never know. As with 9/11, all the evidence has been destroyed.

Say it was Someone Else? . . . who is now walking free? . . . planning another false flag attack in another country
“Say it was Someone Else? . . . who is now walking free? . . . planning another false flag attack in another country?”
The Charlie Hebdo magazine has done well for itself, cashing in on the carnage. In a country where few people buy newspapers, the streets of Paris were filled the other day with people scrambling to buy the latest edition of the magazine. By 7 am every copy in the Avenue des Champs-Élysées had gone. Within 60 minutes of the kiosks and newsagents opening for business at 6 am, the last copy had been sold.

Copies are now being offered for sale on ebay for £650 ($985).

Three million copies of Charlie Hebdo had been expected to flood France on the great day, ensuring a financial killing for the satirical survivors of the attack. The printers had worked overtime, but only managed to churn out 700,000 copies, more than 10 times the normal print run. Never mind! The magazine hopes to produce five million copies in all, ensuring at least five million laughs at the expense of Islam and Christianity.

John Lichfield, an establishment journo of Zionist bent, notes enthusiastically in his Review column in the mainstream UK Independent newspaper [“I”] that the post-massacre edition was “a millefeuille of mockery and defiance, mourning and bad taste.”

The “irreverent” 16-page magazine, which loves to combine militant atheism with Christ-bashing and Mohammed mockery, interspersed with pornographic drawings of naked young women, had excelled itself. No punches were pulled in an effort to shock and entertain the prurient, pop-eyed multitudes. There were moronic sketches galore, as usual, including:
“a masturbating nun, the Pope dressed as a Mafia boss, and a woman in a burka lifting her robes to show that she is wearing stockings and suspenders — and nothing else.” (“I”, 15 Jan, 2015)
Hilarious. But no cartoons of Auschwitz. Or Elie Wiesel sodomizing Anne Frank. Or the children of Gaza having their arms and legs torn off  by Netanyahu.

That wouldn’t do at all, would it? It’s always the Muslims or Christians being held up to ridicule. Here is a cartoon showing the birth of Jesus Christ, being waved like a red rag in the face of the world’s 2.2 billion Christians.

Smile, my friends, to see your God mocked —
as you wipe the spit from your faces: 

You will find neither this picture, nor the one above it, on Google Images if you put the words “Charlie Hebdo cartoons” into the Google search engine.  They have been deliberately suppressed.  In order to find the pictures, you need to keep searching.
You will note that almost 90 percent of the Charlie Hebdo pictures concentrate in mocking the prophet Mohammed and Islam.
In past times, such incessant vilification and mockery of a particular religion would have been regarded  as extreme provocation — indeed, as a valid pretext for war.  

“CUI BONO?” we ask once again. And we give the only honest answer we can, the obvious answer: Israel above all will benefit, followed by Israel’s morally bankrupt backers and accomplices in crime: the US, France, the UK, and the aggressive NATO bloc countries in general.
Who are the big losers? Answer: The world’s 1.6 billion Muslims.
We are now engaged in an all-out war against Islam. The mask has slipped from the face. All pretence has been abandoned. Islamophobia—pure, unadulterated, toxic hatred for Islam—is the poison du jour. You eat it for breakfast, you eat it for lunch, you eat it for dinner.
This war against Islam is being waged by a psychotic Western world intent on the plunder of the oil-rich Middle East and the systematic destruction of Israel’s enemies, in particular the rightful owners of Palestine. 
“Today the Jews rule this world by proxy. They get others to fight and die for them.”  So said Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad of Malaysia, in a speech to the Tenth Islamic Summit Conference at Putrajaya, Malaysia, on October 16, 2003.

Never was a truer word spoken, and never was a good man more vilified for speaking the truth.
The Charlie Hebdo affair, in the final analysis, is not about an exercise in free speech that went wrong. Nor is it about the freedom to offend. It is best summed up in two words: cartoon terrorism.

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