Tuesday, September 2, 2014

The citizens of the world are coming to Newport, Wales. The siege is beginning.

Twenty-five kilometers of fifteen-foot high, reinforced steel-mesh crowd proof fencing. 20,000 heavily armed, well equipped and dark-uniformed militia have started arriving daily. Military defense plans have been finalized. Already, adrenaline is in the air. There is a fight coming. Is this Gaza?

No. This is the NATO Summit.  You, your civil rights, your quest for peace, and your demand for a return to real democracy and pursuit of happiness are not wanted here.

You do not matter!

On Thursday and Friday, Sept 4-5, 2014 the fight will begin. A fight for choice. A choice between war or peace.
What say you, world?

I say, “Get your ass to Newport!”

It seems the whole world is at war. Across the majority of the globe atrocity and horror have been brought to once peaceful distant lands by the greed of an empire that knows no bounds. Its quest for profit has stripped bare the resources, and the souls, of once innocent nations. Barbarism and inhumanity have been forced upon a world that would cast these villains into history. The natural human condition of resistance, resistance to oppression and terror, is coming to Newport.

In preparation for this en-mass protest, the expanding totalitarian empire is positioning armaments and battlements that showcase modern methods and weapons of terror that would make Stalin, Hitler, or Pol Pot envious. The enforcer of this growing inhuman tyranny goes by one name; NATO.

As world citizens swelter in the toil of ever increasing government forced austerity measures, those same governments always approve more of our money for war. These are not wars of freedom, and the money for war is not for humane reasons. War today is only for oppression. Oppression of civilization. Oppression of man.
We are the enemy.

Here on the streets of Newport, and just to the north in Cardiff, the leaders of NATO are hiding behind new fortifications and stone walls at Cardiff Castle and the Celtic Manor. This reporter has witnessed this behavior before at the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, N.C. and the NATO Summit in Chicago, Ill. in 2012. The powerful, wealthy and self-important are here to show case their growing omnipotence and to send a message to an impoverished world, “We are your masters. Resistance will be futile.” Fortunately for the remaining civilized world, history and the true nature of the human condition has shown that this is a flawed proposition, doomed to failure.
 Hence, humans are flocking to Newport. 

Walking along the perimeter of the ancient picturesque beige colored, stone-block walls of Cardiff Castle, where today’s world despots of our increasingly incarcerated world will plot our demise while dinning in opulence, the beauty of this ancient castle belies an obvious historical metaphor that cannot be ignored.

A castle is designed for a primary purpose; to keep the forces of insurrection and change out. Castles like Cardiff Castle were not merely defensive against foreign invaders, however. Most castles over the course of their history rarely, if at all, used their walls against invading armies arriving at their motes. More often these walls kept the local, virtually enslaved, people, the “serfs,” from demanding changes from the all powerful “Lords” who owned everything across their feudal fiefdoms, their “realms.” The Lord liked his power and his estate to remain unchallenged and unchanged. And profitable. If the walls of his castle were not sufficient, his private army could almost always provide enough terror and death to counter an insurrection by his unsatisfied subjects.

As of today, in the eight hundred years that Cardiff castle has stood, nothing has functionally changed. This week a collection of “would-be” Lords, like Obama, Hollande, Cameron, Merkel, etc, al., will again hide from the peasants, “us,” behind stone walls. Their private army, NATO, will protect them and, again, do their dirty work for them.
Today, however, the thirty-foot high, five foot thick stone walls are apparently not enough protection. In a sign that today’s feudal lords still fear most the rising tide of opposition by their victims, these walls have modern additions of like-kind. Two concentric rings of steel mesh fencing now also ring the castle creating a private roadway around the perimeter. Monstrous galvanized gates manned by menacing looking British police  bar the way, our way, to the castle’s walled defenses.

Fearing that these walls and fences will not be enough, UK police have vowed to have,  “one officer for every protester.” Come Thursday’s opening ceremonies, 20,000 cops from all over Britain will be here, all dressed in full riot gear and sporting the latest in anti-human weaponry. Have they underestimated our numbers? Have they underestimated our anger? The answer is in your hands.

You must come to Newport. Or…?

At Tredegar Park in Newport protest organizers have provided accommodation for tens of thousands. All are welcome. Thanks to a rational decision by the Newport city council, after a protracted debate, a resolution was approved for the use of the park. A huge pink banner at the entrance to the park greets all arriving world citizens. “Together we can stop the evil of NATO,”  it says. You know, I know; we all know; this is correct.

 A quick tour of the park’s grounds shows portable toilets, communications and Press areas as well as information booths being set-up. Across the huge green grass field, tents are already popping up. There is space for thousands more. Organizers have made plans for additional space if needed.

There is a space here for you.

Local merchants and residents are also becoming increasingly angry with NATO and their draconian preparations. Unlike the protest organizers, as usual NATO did not ask permission. It moved into, took over, acquisitioned public land and unapologetically told locals what they were going to do.

World. Does this sound familiar?

Naturally, businesses are suffering a decline in customers. Many shops have signs saying, “We ARE Open.” Local schools have been closed. Traffic, which normally is bad, is simply hellish. Residents must detour around the downtown area. So far few cops are present and the weapons are not visible. With huge ten-ton ballasted, bright yellow,  eight inch tube steel, double archway gates in place on every access street to downtown, the true nightmare for Cardiff residents has yet begin.

Commentary on NATO is of course pro or con. The latter is taking over the lead quickly. Already fearful local’s do not want to give their names. Some, likely BBC watching, residents use recent Gaza-esque logic in blaming the victims, the protesters, for their NATO created woes. More often people I spoke to tacitly supported the protests, and decried NATO’s choice of Newport for their gathering, at the least. As one passing pedestrian summed up in succinct Welsh manner, “I wish they’d just get the bloody hell out of town!”

These words have been echoed before across our earth. We have all had enough of NATO.
Reporting exclusively for Press TV, live from Newport and Cardiff, there is great anticipation in the air. The momentum of this world event increases daily. The heart pumps, the focus narrows. Plans are being finalized. Laughter has a nervous edge.

The siege of NATO, our siege, is about to begin.

World?  What say you?


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