… by Jim W. Dean, VT Editor … with Press TV, Tehran
[ Note: They goosed the title a bit to fit the space... but added the "might have been staged" in the lead in. In the interview I said that until we have a body and a DNA test we have no "proof" that Sotloff is dead.
And you can add to that the craziness of resurfacing Rita Katz of bin Laden studios as the source for the video, a rather dumb mover on the spin-miesters part.
One of the weaknesses of Israeli psyops, and ours sometimes, is tending to reuse old scams and scammers who have not been caught. But actually in Israel's case a lot of them have been... they just can't be prosecuted.
In real high-level offensive Intel work, you never use the same tactical plan twice, or even key elements of it, as pattern analysis is the monster that is always lurking behind your back, waiting for you to make a mistake. We catch people all time using pattern analysis, or I should say fingering them for a much closer look.
Most of the time they are just stupid or lazy, or both... and never having been busted gives them a false comfort level. When the penalty is not being snatched and tortured to reveal who you are working for, but just the loss of your reputation, which you can just deny... people get sloppy. Those that are using them change them like disposable underwear, as they are cheap and easily replaceable.]
- First published on September 11, 2014 -
Slain journalist Steven Sotloff was an “Israeli intelligence agent” who served in the Israeli military and his execution might have been staged to give him a new identity, an investigative journalist tells Press TV.
You and listen to the 3 minute phone interview on Press TV here.
“The first thing we have to ask ourselves is that who told the family this and why did they tell them this?” asked Jim W Dean, managing editor and columnist for Veterans Today.On September 2, ISIL released a video that purported to show the beheading of Sotloff. In a message, the journalist said that he is “paying the price” for US military intervention in the Middle East.
“Either the family is being used to put out a false version of events or do what’s commonly done in intel psyops, to put a variety of different scenarios out just to confuse anybody trying to see what has really happened,” he added. “And I have to ask the family if they did not know that he was an Israeli intelligence agent,” Dean said.
Dean said, “Until we have a body and we can do a DNA test on it, we have absolutely no proof that he is even dead because the videos are so sophisticated today that these things can be faked.” “There is a long history during the Cold War to make agents disappear and give them a new identity after faking executions,” he pointed out.Israel has said it had prevented local media from reporting that Sotloff was also an Israeli citizen in an effort to reduce the risk to his life after he was seized by ISIL militants in Syria last year. Sotloff, who was Jewish, immigrated to Israel in 2005.
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