According to statistics, every third in marriage in Russia ends in divorce in the first three years.
Divorce, Russian style
October 16, 2013 Lyudmila Nazdracheva, special to RBTH
Russia has the highest divorce rate in the world, but the causes and consequence of broken marriages aren’t surprising.
According to statistics, every third in marriage in Russia ends in divorce in the first three years. Source: PhotoXpress When Valery Lepekhin’s boss got on his nerves one too many times, he punched him in the eye. Lepekhin was fired, but he felt like a hero – that day. The real consequences of his action appeared only later. Valery started looking for work, but when he applied for jobs, the potential employers wanted references. And when they called his previous place of work, Lepekhin’s former boss said that he was a lousy employee.
Lepekhin’s wife, Irina, begged him to apologize to his old boss and ask
for his job back. “Before our second daughter even turned six months
old, our family needed money,” Irina said. But Valery refused. Irina was
on maternity leave, so the family decided to rent out their apartment
and move in with Irina’s mother, Nina.
How salary determines relations in Russian families
Nina had never liked Valery. She always thought her daughter made a big
mistake in marrying him, and the family’s current situation seemed to
prove her right. Caught between her husband and her mother, Irina gave
Valery an ultimatum: she would not speak to him until he made peace with
his boss. The decision was catastrophic for the young family. Valery
began to drink and he pushed Irina around. Eventually Nina intervened
and threw Valery out of the apartment. Irina filed for divorce.
Statistics from Russia’s social registry office show that the majority
of marriages end in divorce. Ten years ago, every third Russian marriage
ended in divorce; today it is every second. In 2012, about 650,000
couples divorced while 1,213,000 got married. Russia had the highest
divorce rate in the world in 2012 according to the United Nations.
Sociologists say that the main causes of broken marriages are
alcoholism, financial difficulties and crowded living conditions – and
in many cases, all three.
“In a typical Russian apartment, there are more people than rooms. Many
middle-aged couples still live with their parents because they have
nowhere else to live,” said Alexander Sinelnikov, Associate Professor of
Family Sociology at Moscow State University.
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People themselves, however, say differently. According to a survey by
the All-Russian Public Opinion Research Center (VTsIOM) conducted in 130
towns across Russia, only 3 percent of people said that cramped housing
conditions were the determining factor in their divorce. Cheating came
first, with 24 percent of respondents attributing the downfall of their
marriages to infidelity, followed by poverty (21 percent) and the
inability to compromise (19 percent).
According to statistics, every third in marriage in Russia ends in
divorce in the first three years. People 35 and under account for the
highest percentage of divorces. But there is another, significant number
of people who get divorced after having lived together for 25 or 30
years. Once their children are grown, they see no point in continuing to
be a couple.
“When children grow up, parents lose their common field of action,” said
Kirill Khromov, Head of the Crossroads Psychological Center. “It looks
like the end of a joint project—the objectives have been achieved, and
they fail to find new ones. There are couples who can weather all kinds
of storms because they still enjoy each other’s company. But most often,
children are the only thing that keep couples together.”
According to sociologists, the biggest worries for divorcing women in
Russia as in many other countries are financial stability and childcare.
Nevertheless, many divorced women enjoy their new role as breadwinner.
Russian women do not tend to rush into marriage again.
Men in a divorce are more concerned about the loss of territory – both
literally and figuratively. In the psychological sense, they are no
longer able to set their own rules in the place where their children
live. And in the physical sense, they are forced to move out to another
living space. As a result, many Russian men limit their sphere of
responsibility – by moving back in with their parents. It’s also not
uncommon for Russian men to remarry quickly.
“Many divorced men neglect their responsibilities such as the education
of their children or their financial responsibilities,” said Kristofer
Svoder, an associate professor at the Higher School of Economics
National Research University.
In any divorce, children are the victims. After the divorce, they
usually live with their mothers and over time, their relationship with
their fathers deteriorates. According to an opinion poll by the
All-Russia Public Opinion Research Center (VTsiOM), within five years of
a divorce, 44.1 percent of fathers see their children often. Between
5-9 years after a divorce, the figure drops to 31.9 percent, and after
10 years, it drops again – to 24.5 percent. The percentage of divorced
fathers who say they never see their children rises from 12.2 percent in
the first five years to 17.2 percent after 10 years.
What really angers Russians
What really angers Russians
“In family law, fathers have equal rights to raise their children even
if the court orders that the child must live with his or her mother,”
said Artem Zaimantsev, a lawyer specializing in family law. But
according to statistics, 17 percent of fathers don’t take advantage of
this opportunity at all, admitting to never seeing their children after a
divorce. On the other extreme is the handful of fathers who kidnap
their children from their ex-wives, which is not a crime under Russian
“In 70 percent of cases, ex-spouses become bitter enemies,” said Kirill
Khromov. “Almost always, divorce is seen as a psychological trauma on
par with the death of a loved one.”
But despite the serious consequences of divorce, psychologists maintain
that for those who take that route, a divorce is not a tragedy, but an
opportunity for growth. And it seems that more and more Russian couples
are basing their actions on this way of thinking, preferring to live
together not “happily ever after,” but rather just for a short time.
Source: Russia Beyond the Headlines -
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