I never heard of Dennis Cimino before hearing this
internet radio show podcast, but I really like what he had to say in
this interview with Jim Fetzer on May 27, 2014. What I like the most is his razor sharp indictment of the World Conquerors of Zionism: namely the Zionists in charge of Israel and their minions as the MAIN PROTAGONISTS involved in ALL of our false flag attacks, our national hoaxes, the fake news stories, and their dual citizen, Fifth Columnist agents (and co-opted sellouts) in congress & government who are constantly and consistently betraying
the American people on Zionist behalf in order to achieve Zionism's
ultimate goal : the destruction of America and its cherished
foundations of Godliness, liberty, self reliance, and individualiam.
I edited out the music and commericals for an uninterrupted presentation. Dennis Cimino ocassionally uses vulgar language which I do not approve of
in a public forum, but I didn't want to diminish the impact of his
statements by bleeping them out (so listeners are forewarned).
Christopher Dorner
It never occured to me that the Christopher Dorner, whistle blower, manifesto-writing, LA rogue cop story was a hoaxed event until I heard Dennis Cimino refer to it as such in this podcast. After doing some digging on the internet, it does indeed appear that the Dorner Road Show was as much a hoax as the suppossed beheading of American reporters by ISIS.
It never occured to me that the Christopher Dorner, whistle blower, manifesto-writing, LA rogue cop story was a hoaxed event until I heard Dennis Cimino refer to it as such in this podcast. After doing some digging on the internet, it does indeed appear that the Dorner Road Show was as much a hoax as the suppossed beheading of American reporters by ISIS.
National Demoralization & the Mentality of Chaos
It makes perfect sense to me that the psychological warfare purpose behind the all-too-obvious and amateurish hoaxes - from Boston Marathon smoke bombs to Sandy Hook Hoaxsters is to have the American public arrive at the subliminal conclusion that the government and public servants (police) are now so utterly corrupt (and unsalvageable) that NOTHING can be done to prevent us from being swept into the abyss (hopelessness). People who feel isolated (afraid to express their true feelings about the Zionist game plan to family and friends because they worry that people will think them 'crazy', etc), are in fear, and made to feel anxious about nearly everything (daily controlled-media bombardment), are so easy to control and manipulate. As suggested in the podcast, let's look at the example of Iceland and get rid of the people who are doing this to us. And I certainly concur with the suggestion that people use their God-given brains and think for themselves in seeing through the smoke screens and figuring out what role they can play in saving the country from these satanic Cabalist psychopaths.
It makes perfect sense to me that the psychological warfare purpose behind the all-too-obvious and amateurish hoaxes - from Boston Marathon smoke bombs to Sandy Hook Hoaxsters is to have the American public arrive at the subliminal conclusion that the government and public servants (police) are now so utterly corrupt (and unsalvageable) that NOTHING can be done to prevent us from being swept into the abyss (hopelessness). People who feel isolated (afraid to express their true feelings about the Zionist game plan to family and friends because they worry that people will think them 'crazy', etc), are in fear, and made to feel anxious about nearly everything (daily controlled-media bombardment), are so easy to control and manipulate. As suggested in the podcast, let's look at the example of Iceland and get rid of the people who are doing this to us. And I certainly concur with the suggestion that people use their God-given brains and think for themselves in seeing through the smoke screens and figuring out what role they can play in saving the country from these satanic Cabalist psychopaths.
For a guy who's quick to spot all of the other Zionist hoaxed schemes being perpetuated on the world, it's a little annoying that he and Fetzer aren't sharp enough to do some real analysis and fact checking on their own to discover that the Fukushima radiation psyops is a complete fabrication of internet propagandists and a total load of hooey. But Cimino is dead on target in everything else he has to say in this talk, so I would send this one around to your friends. It's well worth your time...Ken Adachi
For a guy who's quick to spot all of the other Zionist hoaxed schemes being perpetuated on the world, it's a little annoying that he and Fetzer aren't sharp enough to do some real analysis and fact checking on their own to discover that the Fukushima radiation psyops is a complete fabrication of internet propagandists and a total load of hooey. But Cimino is dead on target in everything else he has to say in this talk, so I would send this one around to your friends. It's well worth your time...Ken Adachi
http://educate-yourself.org/cn/27may2014DennisCiminolandJimFetzer.mp3 (44MB, 1 hour, 36 minutes)
Original podcast source with commercials:
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