Tuesday, September 2, 2014

David Duke Show 2014.09.02

Dr. David Duke discusses the incredible truth of DavidDuke.com over the years in predicting in advance the greatest catastrophes of the last 30 years of American foreign policy. Even from the time of the Embargo against Iraq and the first Gulf War Dr. Duke has been exposing the Zionist role in all of it. He predicted terrorism attacks against America and the restriction of American constitutional rights long before they accrued. He pointed out the invasion of Afghanistan was ludicrous, as the Taliban obviously had nothing to do with 911, and that if America chose to go there it should only attack al Qaeda in the remote areas where bin Laden was holed up. He worked tirelessly against the coming Iraq War saying that it was a war for Israel, a war based on lies. He predicted the rise and the danger of extreme murderous groups such as ISIS and the al Qaeda offshoot in Syria long before they burst forth in the latest crisis. A truly powerful show with great commentary by Dr. Patrick Slattery as well. Share and support the Dr. Duke website and radio program.

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