Anything that happens to the Jews they will exaggerate’

Israeli filmmaker heads to the West Bank to document what Palestinians think of the Holocaust
Times of Israel
do average Palestinians think about the Holocaust, if they know about
it at all? Amateur Israeli filmmaker Corey Gil-Shuster, who moved to
Israel from Canada 15 years ago, set out to the West Bank to find out as
part of his YouTube series, “Ask an Israeli, ask a Palestinian.”
The results, unscientific though they were, weren’t especially encouraging.
were three types of answers that surfaced during his interviews: lack
of knowledge about the Holocaust, the view that the Holocaust happened
but was exaggerated or is what the Israelis are doing to the
Palestinians now, or the idea that Adolf Hitler was right for killing
question “Palestinians: What do you know/think of the Holocaust?” was
sent in by “Jason from Canada.” Gil-Shuster and his translator filmed on
his $180 Best Buy camera mainly in Ramallah while this summer’s
fighting in Gaza was still ongoing.
and the translator walked down the street and he mainly picked people
who looked like they were intelligent,” Gil-Shuster told The Times of
Israel. “Sometimes I asked people. We mainly asked people who look like
they have two minutes to answer a question.”
in Ramallah, for example, said that “The same they did to the Jews, the
Jews are doing now,” according Gil-Shuster’s translator.
are basically massacring the Palestinians, just like Hitler did to
them,” agreed his companion Najla from the US, “except people had more
sympathy for the Jews than they do for the Palestinians, ’cause in
American media, they portray the Jews as the ones being hit by the
from Ramallah said that 100,000 Jews were killed, “but they keep
announcing 6 million were killed… Anything that happens to the Jews they
will exaggerate.”
in Ramallah, Malek said, “It’s exaggerated in the media; still I am
against it and against the killing of civilians anywhere… Nobody denies
the Holocaust, it happened, and it is real. But what Israel does now is
use this as an excuse to play victim on the entire world… they kill us
Palestinians, just like they were killing them.”
in Nablus, a man named Ahmed said, “All respect to Hitler.” He added
that he wanted to kill Jews “because the Jews are occupying the land.”
young woman in Ramallah named Amani opined that “Hitler left a few Jews
to let the world know why he burned them.” Are Jews evil? she was
asked. “Yes, of course.”
Several respondents didn’t know much about the Holocaust, beyond that it was where Hitler burned the Jews.
in Ramallah seemed to be the most well-informed. “They were killed,
they were burned, they were expelled,” he said. “Hitler was a dictator
who liked to take over everything… He wanted all people to be scared of
him. Because of that he burned the Jews. To show the people of the world
what powers the Germans had.”
The self-funded Ask project started somewhat by chance around three years ago,
when Gil-Shuster got fed up with non-Israelis making claims about
Israeli society that didn’t match what he had experienced living here.
He started by asking on Facebook for a for questions to pose to
Israelis. The project, which has garnered over 100,000 views for some of
its videos, has received more than a thousand question submissions.
said that he has a set of rules for the approximately 250 videos he has
made: “The majority of responses will be random people on the street
that I meet. I include all responses no matter what they say. I don’t
edit out any of the content of what they say; I only edit their names
out or if someone interrupts or something. I try to get a representative
sampling of Israelis — young, old, men, women, Arabs, Jews, etc. This
doesn’t always work because older people, women and Arabs, for example,
are less likely to agree to be in the project. So it is not scientific
sampling but I try.”
He said
he was aware that acknowledging the Holocaust was taboo in Palestinian
culture, and that many either know little or think it is a lie made up
by Jews.
he said, he “was a little shocked at the depth of hate they have for
Jews and Israelis. I wanted to yell at them when they answered these
things but I don’t want to burn bridges so they will think I have an
anti-Palestinian motive to ask questions.”
said he did not feel he was in danger asking questions about the
Holocaust. “I present myself as a Canadian. No one ever asks if I am
Jewish and I don’t think they care about foreign Jews so much. But if
they suspected I am Israeli, they will likely think I am a Shin
Bet agent or some kind of spy looking for information.”
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