Thursday, September 11, 2014

ADL Bovine Excrement - Anti-Semite Christopher Bollyn Scheduled to Attend 9–11 Events in California

Christo­pher Bol­lyn, an anti-Semitic con­spir­acy the­o­rist who focuses on the 9–11 attacks, report­edly will be mak­ing sev­eral appear­ances at 9–11 events in Cal­i­for­nia. Bol­lyn was one of the ear­li­est pro­mot­ers of anti-Semitic 9–11 the­o­ries blam­ing Israel and Jews for the attacks.

Christo­pher Bollyn

On Sep­tem­ber 11, Bol­lyn will have a table at the “9–11 Truth Film Fes­ti­val” in Oak­land. Two days later, on Sep­tem­ber 13, Cal­i­for­nia attor­ney Bruce Leichty will host Bol­lyn at an event in San Dimas. Bol­lyn will also speak on Sep­tem­ber 14 at an event hosted in San Diego, spon­sored by San Die­gans for 9/11 Truth.

The San Dimas event is par­tic­u­larly trou­bling due to the host behind the event. Leichty is a prob­lem­atic fig­ure who has defended a num­ber of Holo­caust deniers, includ­ing Ernst Zun­del, who is impris­oned in Ger­many for deny­ing the Holo­caust. Leichty also rep­re­sented 9–11 widow Ellen Mar­i­ani in law­suits against var­i­ous enti­ties she held account­able for her husband’s death. In motion papers, Leichty appar­ently used research from Bol­lyn to make spu­ri­ous accu­sa­tions against a Jew­ish judge on the case. In May 2012, the United States Court of Appeals sanc­tioned Leichty and Mar­i­ani for mak­ing friv­o­lous argu­ments before the court and also high­lighted the anti-Semitism reflected in the papers filed by Leichty.

In addi­tion to host­ing this event, Leichty and Bol­lyn have other con­nec­tions, as well. A Sep­tem­ber 7 press release about the San Dimas event states that Bol­lyn “served as chair of the Ellen Mar­i­ani Legal Defense Fund” and that Leichty believes that Bol­lyn is doing “ground-breaking work that no one else is doing” around the issue of 9–11.

Bol­lyn has focused most of his research on 9–11 and has con­tin­ued to make the claim that the ter­ror­ist attacks were orches­trated by Israel and the Jews. In Bollyn’s 2012 book, Solv­ing 9–11: The Decep­tion that Changed the World, he writes, “The ‘false flag’ ter­ror­ism of 9–11 is a mon­strous Jewish-Zionist crime of our time.  The true cul­prits of this heinous crime are clearly being pro­tected by a gang of like-minded Jew­ish Zion­ists in the high­est posi­tions of the U.S. government….”

Bol­lyn has also writ­ten numer­ous other arti­cles on his web­site that accuse Jews of con­trol­ling the media and gov­ern­ment. Bol­lyn has attended Holo­caust denial con­fer­ences in the U.S. and one in Rus­sia in 2002.  He is a for­mer writer for the anti-Semitic conspiracy-oriented news­pa­per Amer­i­can Free Press and its pre­de­ces­sor, The Spot­light, both pub­lished by anti-Semite and Holo­caust denier Willis Carto.  Amer­i­can Free Press fired Bol­lyn in 2006, after accus­ing him of sub­mit­ting false sto­ries and of dis­loy­alty to the paper.

In 2007, Bol­lyn was found guilty of mis­de­meanor aggra­vated assault and resist­ing arrest, after a con­fronta­tion with police offi­cers in front of his home in the Chicago area.  He never appeared for sen­tenc­ing and has since is pre­sumed to be liv­ing in Europe with his wife, a Swedish cit­i­zen, and children.


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