Saturday, August 16, 2014

1981 High School Football Team Photo Leaves Little Doubt that Michelle Obama Was Born Michael Robinson

[Editor's Note: August 15, 2014: A google search revealed that Michelle was first outed (as a man) in a story posted on June 30, 2011 by Matthew Glosser at a web site called I've reposted his originMichelle was bornMichael LaVaughn Robinson and was a football player in both high school Photoshop Michelle(photo below) and won a scholarship as a linebacker for the Oregon State Beavers in his first year at college. al article and photos below. The Glosser article says that a former Obama staff member told him that Michael reportedly left school and had a sex change operation on January 13, 1983 (a significant date for satanists. Helena Stoeckley was also murdered on this date) and afterwards entered Princeton University (which is listed among the top eight universities in the USA with an acceptance rate of only 7%) as a female student, Michelle Robinson. 

Many photos posted to the internet prior to the election were apparently Photoshoped to make Michael/Michelle appear to look like a female in his high school and college years. Don Nicoloff was the first to write that the vast majority of photos of young Obama and his "family" that were posted to the internet in 2007-2008, prior to the election, were completely faked and Photoshopped into existence.Note that there are no photos of Michelle when pregnant, nor do birth records exist for either of their children. Barack has the physical characteristics of an Indonesian man, and is not of African ancestry.]

Shocking New Revelation about Michelle Obama: A Must Read, Christwire Exclusive
By Matthew B, Glosser, June 30, 2011
About two months ago, my office was contacted by an anonymous source who claimed to be a former White House staff member of the Obama administration. He claimed to have sensitive information regarding a stunning revelation about the First Lady, Michelle Obama and he wanted to arrange a meeting with me in person to present the evidence for this claim. Like any good, Christian journalist, I was skeptical at first. Why would you contact me? Are there not dozens of major news outlets you would want to appeal to first? Of course the answers to those questions are very simple.
Unlike the days when the media used to do their jobs, like during the Watergate scandal, we are now living in a time when the liberal media simply cannot be trusted. I met with him for the first time yesterday evening and he confirmed these suspicions.
Shocking New Revelation about Michelle Obama: A Must Read, Christwire Exclusive
By Matthew B, Glosser, June 30, 2011
About two months ago, my office was contacted by an anonymous source who claimed to be a former White House staff member of the Obama administration. He claimed to have sensitive information regarding a stunning revelation about the First Lady, Michelle Obama and he wanted to arrange a meeting with me in person to present the evidence for this claim. Like any good, Christian journalist, I was skeptical at first. Why would you contact me? Are there not dozens of major news outlets you would want to appeal to first? Of course the answers to those questions are very simple.
Unlike the days when the media used to do their jobs, like during the Watergate scandal, we are now living in a time when the liberal media simply cannot be trusted. I met with him for the first time yesterday evening and he confirmed these suspicions.
“I just can’t go to the major alphabet networks. They are in the tank for Obama and it is network policy to cover up any critical stories regarding the President and his family. The White House has officially created a State media,”
We conservatives have known about this “State media” quite some time. If a Korean wanted to run a story critical of Kim Jong Il, Supreme Leader of the Yellow Empire, they would find that their life would not last too much longer. This is what is going on in the United States of America right now, which is indicative of End Times, but that’s for another discussion.
Luckily, there is still an underground media rebellion that has managed to survive these dark times. Thanks to Christwire, Fox News, The Drudge Report and other outlets of opposition, we are able to get the truth out to you, the Christian American reader.
The following excerpt is the true biographical information of Michelle Obama, given to me on June 25, 2011 by a former member of the First Lady’s personal staff. He shall remain anonymous for the time being to protect his life as well as the lives of his family.
Fraser Diddley Robingson III born 1935“Michelle Obama, First Lady of the United States, was born Michael LaVaughn Robinson in Chicago, Illinois on January 17th, 1964. He was the second son born to Fraser Robinson III, a well known cocaine dealer and union thug for Crime Lord/Mayor Richard J. Daley, and Marian Shields Robinson, a transient street prostitute who was diagnosed with the HIV virus in 1998. He was a popular high school athlete and in 1982, he accepted a scholarship to play middle linebacker for the Oregon State Beavers.
After finishing a respectable rookie season with 88 tackles and 7.5 sacks, he suddenly dropped out of the school. Fellow teammates observed that Robinson could regularly be heard lamenting over how he is a “woman trapped inside a man’s body”, and on January 13th, 1983, he underwent sex reassignment surgery at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. To hide the shame of his new identity, Michael left Oregon State to attend Princeton University under his new legal name, “Michelle Robinson”. Years later, he met Barry Obama Jr. a Kenyan immigrant who later became aware of “Michelle’s” true identity. They subsequently married and adopted two children.”
Michelle aka Michael Robinson Obama circa 1981, top right #44
Michael Robinson #44Michael Robinson enlargementMIchelle Robinson footballer
Well ladies and gentlemen, you heard it here first at, our “First Lady” is actually the First Man. Even more startling, Barack Obama knows that his wife was once a man, making him the first homogay President of our Christian nation. I’ve examined the evidence carefully, as has the team of researchers here at Christwire. We now have multiple sources to back this story up. We have also consulted medical experts who have carefully analyzed “her” anatomy, finding that her broad shoulders and pointed jaw line are consistent with that of a male… more specifically a male football player. It would not be the first time a transsexual has risen to prominence (see Lady Gaga).
Experts put together a composite of what Michael Obama might look like today if he/she did not have the sex change
This is disturbing to say the least and is yet another sign of the impending End Times prophecy outlined in the Book of Revelation. Of course, there is no chance that the liberal media will pick this story up and I pray for our safety, now that we have. God Bless and vote Bachmann!
(In the last photo of dancing Obama, notice the broad, manly shoulders and the tightened belt around the abdomen, which is likely used to simulate a feminine “hourglass” type physique… The reason he is dancing is because he is happy to be back on a football field after quitting the game he loved to become a woman, decades earlier

Michael Obama collection

             Michelle closeup

former lineback Michelle greets women  

             Michelle dress bulge  



  1. Holy big peckers, .... Is that a pecker, or has this photo been photo shopped. Why doesn't someone just do a DNA test on Mooch Obama? All they have to do is snag a utensil she used at supper from one of her dinners out! Or, save a napkin she wiped her mouth with, or a soda can, or drinking straw, a piece of clothing from one of her domestics. An envelope she licked? And the same thing should be done to Barry! Then, collect the DNA from both of the supposed daughters. THEN you will have proof of the biggest sham ever put over on the public. And with that, you can then go after his birth certificate, not the phony POS that he released, but his real one. And finally after you prove he was not even an American citizen when sworn in as president, you can put the Manchurian Kenyan where he belongs. GITMO FOR LIFE W/O PAROLE!

    1. If she had gender reassignment surgery as is claimed -there would be "no package" under that dress --it would have been removed -so photoshopped for sure

    2. Not if Obama liked the pecker!!

    3. Lmmfao that is what I been saying 🤣🤣🤣

    4. Have you ever looked up photos of the girls so called God parents?! The girls look JUST like them!

    5. Yep. Spitting images yet they don’t claim adopting any children and as I read this there are no pictures. All removed

    6. They are Barracks adopted nieces from kenya ,,, why there is no birth records,,,Fact !!

    7. I've seen the photos of the Obama girls' real parents - one looks exactly like the father, the other just like the mother. They were sold to the BHOs to appear a normal family.

    8. Thats not a pecker unless he has a square one, that is a large frame 1911 style handgun, it does not conceal well at all in that tight skirt, but I can see the hand grip and the outline clearly.

    9. Why are the pictures gone and unable to see is my problem. Idk seems fishy

    10. Michael still has his penis obviously. Americans are really ignorant to not realize Obama is gay and Michael L Robinson is a trany like Joan Rivers said years ago. Avery later she was murdered.

    11. No. Joan Rivers had what was considered a minor throat operation but it wasn’t in a hospital setting and there was no necessary equipment

  2. I believe "it" was a man. YouTube has has deleted videos about it.

  3. If YouTube and social media removes videos and photos about it, then you know it’s true. They don’t care about removing false stuff.

    1. You know it. Biggest scam on America. Obama has reve. Said Michael in numerous speeches, “Michael and I”..,,,,.

  4. Thailand is far ahead of John Hopkins hahaha expand your mind

  5. I heard about this years ago anything is possible. Look at Jenner! Difference is Jenner was honest and open.

  6. Most of the men who transition to female do everything but get rid of the weiner. Such is obviously the case with Madame-esque Obama.

    1. Because her spouse loves the weiner.

    2. If that is a weiner, then I guess my urology nurses are rightly impressed! Hooray for me!

    3. To have the penis removed is a big deal for the connection of the bladder the ureters and sphincters to control yarn that’s why most of them don’t remove their penis

  7. Barack Obama is 100% Indonesian. His bio mother was a bar worker in Hawaii at Lederer's Bar.

    1. She was a white women from Midwest father was Kanye she live in Hi lsland her parents kinda raised Obama

    2. Kenyan, you mean.

    3. So funny since his mother is a white US citizen. This is so very well known around the world.

  8. You dumb, illiterate, prejudice,, racist, ancient, decrepit, antique, poor azzz sob’s, it no help you ppl.

  9. Joan Rivers said all the AListers know she’s a
    Tranny. She went in for a procedure 8a eels later. Anyone who has said anything about it has been deleted.

    1. I suspected that the chef found out something he wasn't supposed to know.

    2. Allegedly, the chef sent Clint Eastwood a video of Big Mike. Maybe with his schlong dangling. #1 reason to kill him!

  10. "Be sure your sin will find you out", Numbers 32:23


  11. This has not been photoshopped. I remember seeing him years ago on a talk show. He was dancing around in a white outfit and his package was sticking out worse than a sore thumb. Smh!

  12. Oh, my! Name calling, as always crushes the whole argument. Well done!!

  13. Yes… the Ellen Degeneres show… I remember watching it…saw a clip afterwards… poor Joan Rivers… she had the misfortune of exposing the truth and it resulted in costing her life! Her death was “ swept under the rug “ as an accidental tragedy! Yeah.. I’m sure..🙄🫣🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥(at least 5 Pinocchio’s)

  14. This is the biggest Sham/ Fraud perpetuated on the United States and the World in the History of the World!! Not only with the sex of the so-called First Lady really being the First Man but the illegitimate president not being an American citizen and therefore not being eligible for the presidency!!! Those miserable 8 years should’ve never happened!!

    1. Yep, my words exactly! Not legal, but in Hawaii they allowed many non citizens to come in and be citizens, you can't get their records.

  15. In addition, we’ve had 3 more years of Obama regime as he pulls the string for his puppet Biden. Why else would he choose to buy a house just down the street from the WH

  16. We wuz kangz an Queenzzzz an sheit

  17. Who pitches and who catches?

  18. And then there is the "Down under Club" story about the church Obama went to where they were gay.

