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grim life for the goyim in the death camps of the future, and even
worse to follow, is here predicted by Jewish writer Ellie Katsnelson.
Introductory note by Lasha Darkmoon
This article is an edited abridgement by myself of a long comment sent in to the Darkmoon site on July 8, 2014 at 10:13 am. It was comment number 1 for a new article and immediately created a furor among our readers.
Completely ignoring the article itself, our angry readers savagely attacked the controversial 5300-word off-topic comment instead, accusing its author, Ellie Katsnelson, of being a “demonic” Jewish supremacist and the ultimate “icon of evil”.
Given the unprecedented interest caused by this outstanding comment, my editor-cousin John Scott Montecristo asked me if I could turn it into a feature article of roughly half the length. I agreed. So here it is now, with 2500 words lopped off but with substantial additions of my own to compensate for the cuts I was forced to make. I apologize to Ms Katsnelson for these additions, but she has already given me full permission to do this, as and when needed, provided the final result is pleasing.
I predict that this extraordinary article, a tour de force that rises to a chilling climax, will one day achieve cult classic status.
A good Israeli friend of mine recently suggested to me that I
should occupy my time in writing about the dark clouds of terror that
are about to descend upon America.Not knowing where to begin, I thought I should start at that turning point in the coming age in America, namely, the herding of the masses, that is, you goyim, into concentration camps, colloquially known as FEMA.
I asked myself: where exactly in the camps do I begin? Just before or just after their establishment? Knowing that my friend Aaron would not grant me the privilege of picking his superior Jewish brain, I decided I would have to rely completely on my own limited intellectual resources: that is, on my little womanly self, sometimes tender and cosmopolitan, at other times fiercely Jewish. And so I began the description of life in the camps right in the middle of it, after the camps had been established and running for some time.
I shall now speak of the future: a future in which a rusty Judaic dagger is stabbed into the hearts of all genuine lovers of freedom. After all, dear friends, the future I am about to describe shall be nothing less than the soon-to-come JEWISH RULE OF AMERICA.
Thus forewarned, and the preamble no longer detaining us, let me begin my sad task of outlining in broad detail the coming doom of the American masses, many of them anti-Semites who certainly need to be taught a salutary lesson.
“Our race is the Master race.
The masses will lick our feet
and serve us as our slaves.”
— Menachem Begin, Israeli Prime Minister,
“Our race is the Master race.
The masses will lick our feet
and serve us as our slaves.”
— Menachem Begin, Israeli Prime Minister,
Hope, that great deceiver, will be allowed you in the camps. But we Jews will never allow those hopes to develop into possibilities. We shall frustrate all efforts on your part to find a better future for yourself.
Beatings will be instituted, regular beatings to instil submission and maintain discipline. Spying will be encouraged. And every effort on the inmates’ part to soften the severity of their lives or undermine our disciplinarian regime will result in swift and drastic punishment. Persistent offenders will be liquidated without mercy.
As time passes, most of the inmates will gradually get to love the camp and relish their daily humiliations in a masochistic kind of way, even missing the whip when it is applied insufficiently. And the camp in turn will love them back, rewarding informers and putting the cruelest tyrants into positions of authority.
As in the outside world, so in the prison camps for the goyim, the most incompetent and corrupt human beings will be promoted to positions of power and will issue all the executive orders, while the best men and women will be forced to bend the knee and obey.The rays of the sun may afford warmth and the fragrant scent of a rose may even cause a lover to love the more, but nothing, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! that you goyim do for us Jews shall ever cause us to feel for you.
The bully and the thug, the secret assassin, the sadist with a smile, these alone will be guaranteed high office in our New World Order.
Whilst the universal Creator may have forged the firmament and added life where no life lived before, He is yet to add the chambers of love and gratitude to our Jewish brain; for every single Jew, and here I include myself, EVERY SINGLE JEW WITHOUT EXCEPTION carries within himself such a chamberless brain — devoid of love, of nobility, of altruism, of idealism.
Oh, if only you knew us! Evil, evil Jews! Evil beyond redemption, sparks in the raging furnace of Satan’s brain.
As in the Soviet Union after the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, when Jews came into absolute power under Lenin and Stalin, anti-Semitism will be the ultimate crime in our new world order.
Anyone caught reading the Protocols of the Elders of Zion in our brave new dystopia under Jewry will be put to death.
Indeed, those who criticize Israel in the slightest way or make disparaging remarks about Jews—referring disrespectfully to the Jewish nose, for example—will be dealt with in the FEMA camps with particular severity. Their mouths will be clamped in irons (see header picture above) or—WARNING! DO NOT LOOK AT THESE PICTURES IF YOU HAVE A DELICATE STOMACH!—their cheeks and tongues will be pierced with metal prongs, or pins and needles and barbed wire will be utilized to stitch up their lips.
In this way, and by other methods even more ingenious, the goyim will be soon learn the virtues of political correctness and the difficult art of keeping their mouths shut.
As you become inured to life in the camps, outside each and
every enclosure there shall come into existence sights so horrific and
strange as to make you wonder whether there is any point in continuing
to live.Dug in a perfect straight line and stretching as far as the horizon permits, cold, black, mass graves will hungrily await all those whom we, the Jews, have deemed worthy of a bullet, that is, you goyim. The ”deposits”—for such will be your new designation and not “victims”—the deposits shall arrive in the dead of night and in trucks, a là Cheka: black trucks, unnumbered trucks, trucks carrying no sign.
On the side of each such truck, a giant tray shall appear with a conveyor belt attached, carrying dead American bodies in endless lines: the bodies of infants who had just learned how to breathe, of little children who had just learned how to walk and skip, of gorgeous young girls and dashing young men in the sappy spring of their lives. The light in their eyes will be dead now, and the smiles on their lips will be frozen.
Slowly and mechanically, without a trace of human feeling, these bodies—and some will be still alive!—will be dumped into the ditch below, there to molder and feed the worms.The trucks will then return in melancholy procession to the morgues of the city, the City of Dreadful Night that stretches all across the wastelands of neon America . . . like the mournful cemeteries of Time lost in the twinkling mists of Eternity.
At the point where the trucks of death have begun rolling, a Jew will watch. With his arms crossed and his vulturine eyes firmly fixed on the inhuman task being carried out in front of him, the coldhearted Jew will exhibit his approval or disapproval with a curt nod or shake of his head . . . as the steel juggernauts move back and forth with their cargo of human cadavers.
With the exception of the Jews, the zombie-like American drivers in the death trucks, and the drugged-up pit diggers (pictured), no one will have witnessed the silent genocide being carried out against the goyim.
Every trace of our crimes will be erased.
For we are naturally anxious to avoid the embarrassing slip-ups of the past, where our hidden hand was unfortunately revealed: such as the Lavon affair, the USS Liberty incident, and, alas, our most catastrophic botched operation to date, the false flag attack on America on September 11, 2001.
Here, I confess, we were almost caught with our hands in the cookie jar!
To be sure, we would have been caught in flagrante delicto and held up to universal opprobrium as international war criminals, had we not been in full control of the official enquiry and the corporate media.
As it is, 95 percent of the American public still believe the Arabs did 9/11.
To this day, most Americans believe the BIG 9/11 LIE. As they were conned by our Jew-owned media into believing that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. And that Saddam Hussein was about to obliterate London in 45 minutes! — a trick pulled on them by Tony Blair, our well paid Zionist puppet and serial killer still at large! (Mugshot)
You’ve got to hand it to us. We’re smart. We know how to fashion the Big Lie. Yes, we can get the gullible goyim masses to believe just about anything!
That’s because we have the media, the means of mass hypnosis, at our command.
My old friend Dostoyevsky once said to his fellow Russians:
“If the Jews ever gain power in Russia, they will skin the Russians
alive.” They ignored him, to their bitter cost. The Jews came, the Jews
saw, and the Jews skinned the Russians alive.This is what happens to people who have ears to hear, but do not hear.
In France, the beautiful Charlotte Corday pointed out that it was the Jews who had poisoned the mind of Marat; and thus, by extension, that they would soon go on to poison the soul of France with their deadly moral toxins.
Within hours of the anti-Judaic bitch having pronounced these prophetic words, she was seized by her own countrymen and marched off to the guillotine, there to have her beautiful white neck severed from her body.
More fools they, those easily duped Jacobin revolutionaries! They had eyes to see, but they saw not. And so they, too, in the course of time, would learn to grovel in the dust and eat the bread of humiliation under their Jewish masters.
And then there was my old friend Schopenhauer. He too was to lock horns with the Jews and come to grief by trusting them. Not for nothing did he refer to their hands as the “Devil’s clutches.” They had cheated the great German philosopher, in some now forgotten Mexican scam, out of two-thirds of his fortune.
Today, it’s Madoff and the Wall Street banksters, ripping off America and laughing up their sleeves at the gullible goyim, knowing only too well that the goyim are weak and contemptible wimps who are helpless to stop the Jews skinning them alive.
Ah yes, then it was Schopenhauer and his kind, brought to grief and a crust of bread by the predatory Jew who NO ONE KNOWS HOW TO STOP!
Then, later, it was Russia, with 66 million Christian corpses littering the landscape.
And now, my friends, it’s America. Your turn has come. Your time has come. The clock is ticking, and the alarm is about to go off.
Any minute now . . . any second!
“It is far holier to shoot a Jew than to go to the
church,” Schopenhauer once said, before adding the famous words that
have now become a German proverb: ”After you shake the Jew’s hand, count
your fingers.”Let me tell you this, you pathetic Americans, you obese mountains of lard and lethargy: you may strongly believe in God the Father and love the Lord Jesus Christ with a love beyond compare—and though Christ may be able to save the soul and God move mountains, never forget this: in a world run by Jews, a loaded gun is a far better friend than both God the Father and God the Son put together!
If self-preservation is your aim, my friends, let me tell you this: all the prayers in the world are not going to help you once you have given up your guns to the Jews of Police State America! Remember this: the Russian peasants had no guns—they were unarmed!—all they had was pitchforks and sticks and stones!—and that’s why they died in their millions at the hands of the Cheka Jews after the Bolshevik Revolution.
“God has punished us,” Solzhenitsyn said, “because we Russians have forgotten him.” Not so, my friends! Solzhenitsyn was wrong. It would have been better had he said, “We Russians were killed in our millions because we were stupid enough to let our Jewish oppressors kill us—we should have killed them first!”
“If the Jews ever gain power in Russia,
they will skin the Russians alive.”
— Dostoyevsky
“If the Jews ever gain power in Russia,
they will skin the Russians alive.”
— Dostoyevsky
Yes, God will have abandoned you because of your crass stupidity and cowardice and slave mentality!
For God loves the brave and the noble. He loves those who know how to defend their wives, their children, their honor. He loves those who are prepared to fight to the death for all they hold dear.
Why should God protect the cowering slave who offers his neck to the Jewish yoke? The man who lets his own wife and children go into bondage, into cruel bondage like beasts of burden, why should God protect such a pathetic apology for a man?
The Russians told us all this. It is written in their hidden histories. It is there for all to see in the banned book of Solzhenitsyn which your Jewish masters will not let you read—since they own all the big publishing houses and have the power to punish all those who transgress by disseminating the Truth.
Ah, Holy Russia, it no longer bleeds! It seems to have recovered from its wounds, though the Jewish oligarchs only quite recently descended on it like a pack of vultures and tried to suck the lifeblood from it. The Judaic vultures fled with their loot, as you know, taking refuge mostly in Israel and in Israel’s two other slave colonies, the United States and Britain—two countries ever ready to jump through hoops for their Jewish masters.
Though Russia no longer bleeds, see America bleeding like the vampire’s victim, bleeding slowly to death under the fangs of the raptor Jew! Ah, how sweet it is to be a powerful Jew in America today!—like Count Dracula in full control of a blood bank, with a thousand white necks to choose from!
Here, far from the Russian steppes and the cold wastes of
Siberia, across the azure Atlantic, in the great lands of the brave and
free, there has recently been a stirring, an awakening, a burgeoning,
yes, a rumbling of distant thunder, as it were, before the coming storm.The sleeping giant, it seems, is no longer asleep. He is stirring. He is about to awake.
The scourge of the cosmos, we Jews, may own the presses, and we may proclaim loudly that the earth and man are here only to serve our needs, but let me tell you this, my friends: when the Americans, the world’s finest race, finally decide to act, no cavity on earth will exist that is big enough to hide and shelter the Jews.
No lying shrieks of anti-Semitism will avail the Jews in those days. No appeals to conscience, no cries for mercy, will keep them from the clawing hands of their Avengers. It will be too late for the Jews then. They will have pushed America too far. Having crossed all red lines, having put themselves beyond the pale, having driven America beyond its tether, the Jews will then have to face the Day of Reckoning.
That day will come, my friends. Ah yes, it cannot help but come, like a thief in the night! It is already round the corner . . .
And so, my friends—my dear, dear friends!—when the
clarion call to arms finally comes —and it shall come!—and when the
beasts of prey have grown fat and are ready for the slaughter—let every
long-suffering American mother hear, let every long-grieving American father take note, and let every long-offended American son and daughter prepare—let them gird their loins, all of them, and prepare for the bloodshed to come.For the ultimate judges of the Jews, the masses, having once pronounced their verdict of “Guilty” on the Jews, the masses themselves will then become the executioners of the Jews.
The masses will storm into every wretched synagogue, they will break into every Jewish home, they will burst into the banks and the Judaic counting houses and the Holocaust museums, for the American soul will at long last have awakened from its catatonic slumbers, and, by God Almighty! they shall take the law into their own hands and cut down every living Jew on earth.”There is no better purgative for the soul,” an arrogant Jew once remarked, ”than to watch those die who are unworthy of life.”
Those words will one day be turned against the arrogant Jew himself.
The Jew will then be swept away and convulsed in a new reign of terror. His time will have come to pay his karmic debt. And the blood of the Jews will then run in crimson rivulets through the streets of New Sodom, through the neon streets of the United States of Jewdom, in a pogrom to end all pogroms, in a holocaust to end all holocausts, world without end forever . . .
ELLIE KATSNELSON: Nothing is known about the mysterious Ms
Katsnelson except what she has already told us about herself in various
comments scattered across our website (darkmoon.me).
She is apparently a Jewish supremacist living in Israel and is
part-owner of a chocolate business in the South of France, producing the
most expensive de luxe chocolates in the world. She is also thought to be a member of the Rothschild family.Source
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