Sunday, July 13, 2014

Satanic Dark Secrets of Westminster: Challenging British Elite Paedophile ‘Ring of Silence’

It is one of the most heinous and nasty crimes imaginable, yet, it’s been sanctioned and protected at the highest levels of the police, judiciary, corporations and in politics. It is also one of the most effective methods used to control politicians and bureaucrats through institutionalised blackmail and coercion. Children are the first casualty in this seedy game, followed by the public – who suffer from dysfunctional political decision-making done under duress.It’s what we’ve feared all along, only now it’s confirmed. This story ran across all mainstream British press today:

‘BRITISH security services infiltrated and funded the notorious Paedophile Information Exchange in a covert operation to identify and possibly blackmail establishment figures, a Home Office whistleblower alleges.’

We discovered this week how taxpayers’ money was used to fund the notorious paedophile political lobby – embedded in Westminster for years, known as the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE), who openly campaigned to legalise sex with children, while many of its members continued to indulge in their dark behaviour behind the political facade they were running. A whistleblower has now claimed that payments were made to PIE – at the request of the Metropolitan Police’s Special Branch, further fuel speculation as to the police’s role within a much wider network.

“It emerged late last year that PIE was twice gave amounts of £35,000 in Home Office funding between 1977 and 1980, the £70,000 total equivalent to over £400,000 in today’s money.”
In addition to this, the UK Home Office has been asked to handover safe guarded information about paedophile rings which may also include some details regarding Westminster political and bureaucratic elites.Now, David Cameron ‘child advisor’, Claire Perry, a Government whip, has spoke out regarding the covert old boys (and girls) club in Westminster. Is she genuinely interested in stamping out this generational institutional cancer, or this just another PR pressure-release measure designed to manage public outrage? Time will tell.

From the initiation in elite boys public schools, to organised paedophile rings in and around the corridors of power in Westminster, eventually the establishment’s desire to cover-up and protect paedophile activity in their midst will be overcome by simple awareness…

Prime Minister and the Paedophile: Jimmy Savile was knighted by the Queen, but was also a regular in the Tory Party’s inner circle (pictured here in a loving embrace with Margaret Thatcher). Westminster elites have been running scared every since the extend of Savile’s network became public (Photo source: Telegraph)

Westminster ‘chumocracy’ protected their own over paedophilia, MP says

Peter Dominiczak and Christopher Hope

A Westminster “chumocracy” has “protected their own” and prevented investigations into allegations of paedophilia, David Cameron’s child abuse adviser has said.
Claire Perry (photo,left), a Government whip, said that Westminster still consists of “too many people with the same interests and the same out-of-touch sense of entitlement coming together to protect their own”.
Her comments come after a series of allegations of sex abuse by politicians and other members of paedophile rings.
Theresa May, the Home Secretary, this week launched an inquiry into child sex abuse allegations that will examine organisations including churches, the security services, the BBC and political parties.
A separate review will also focus on failures in Westminster to properly investigate allegations of sexual abuse.
There has been widespread public concern about historic sex abuse cases following the revelations about Cyril Smith, the former Liberal MP who has since been exposed as a paedophile.
Celebrities including Jimmy Savile and Rolf Harris have also been at the centre of abuse scandals.
Miss Perry, the MP for Devizes, welcomed Mrs May’s decision to launch the inquiries but questioned why it has taken so long to take the allegations seriously.
In comments first reported in The Sun newspaper, she said: “Why has it taken so many years for allegations to be believed and action to be taken?
“Part of the problem can be traced, in my view, to the ‘chumocracy’ that for too long has been at the heart of the so-called Establishment, consisting of too many people with the same interests and the same out-of-touch sense of entitlement coming together to protect their own.
“It is this sort of persistent ‘otherness’ that so many of us are determined to change, to make the system more representative, more real and more normal. Some may say we have not succeeded yet but we will keep on trying.”
Miss Perry added: “The other, and more worrying part of the problem is the way that the voices of victims were ignored for so long – children told to keep quiet, ridiculed, or threatened – with tragically the most vulnerable of all being more likely to be targeted for abuse…


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