Monday, October 10, 2016

American Surrogates Are Giving Birth To Anchor Babies

Foreigners, particularly from China want American surrogates to carry their kids to reap the benefits of U.S. citizenship.
Illegal immigrants gave birth to 295,000 babies in the U.S. in 2013 according to Pew Research. Some prospective Chinese parents are attempting to use American surrogates to justify moving to the U.S. or getting cheaper college tuition.
A Chinese person wanted to hire five surrogates at once, an odd request which prompted New Jersey lawyer Melissa Brisman to turn down representing the would-be-parent according to The New York Times. Another foreigner that wanted to game the American surrogacy system, “wanted to keep two babies, and put the rest up for adoption,” according to surrogacy lawyer Andrew W. Vorzimer who spoke with The Times.
“He wanted to keep two babies, and put the rest up for adoption,” Vorzimer said of a client who requested a total of six embryos be put into American surrogates. “I said, ‘What, like the pick of the litter?,'” Vorzimer recalled asking his client while in shock at the request. “He said, ‘That’s right.’ I told him I wouldn’t work with him,” Vorzimer told The Times.

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